The 5 Most Common Diseases Affecting Our Furry Friends

5 Most Common Diseases Affecting Our Furry Friends
For anyone that loves animals, it can be heartbreaking to think about our furry friends succumbing to any type of disease. Each year, numerous illnesses can affect our pets, leading to both vet visits and expensive treatments. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. By learning about the most common diseases that affect our four-legged friends, you can arm yourself with the information needed to protect your pet and spot the signs of symptoms when they appear. Keep reading to learn about the five most common diseases that can affect our furry friends.
Disease #1: Distemper
Distemper is one of the most common illnesses that can affect dogs around the world. The virus, which is contagious and has the potential to be fatal, can cause severe respiratory issues and attack the central nervous system and gastrointestinal system.
What is distemper? Distemper is a viral disease caused by the canine distemper virus, or CDV. The virus, which is closely related to the measles virus found in humans, primarily impacts the central nervous system and the respiratory system.
Symptoms of distemper The signs of distemper can vary greatly and can be quite severe. Common symptoms include coughing, eye and nose discharge, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, seizures and paralysis may occur.
How is distemper transmitted? Distemper is highly contagious and is typically spread through inhalation or through contact with infected saliva, urine, or feces. It is important to note that unvaccinated puppies are the most vulnerable to the virus.
Treatment options for distemper Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all cure for distemper. However, there are a number of treatments available, depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment typically includes supportive care – such as intravenous fluids, medication to reduce inflammation, as well as other supplemental therapies. In some cases, if eating and drinking becomes difficult, feeding tubes may be necessary.
Disease #2: Parvo Virus
Parvo virus is another serious virus that can infect both dogs and cats. The virus, which attacks the gastrointestinal tract, can be both contagious and fatal.
What is parvo virus? Parvo virus is an extremely contagious and sometimes fatal virus that primarily impacts the gastrointestinal tract. Canine parvovirus, or CPV, is the strain of the virus most commonly seen in dogs, while feline panleukopenia, or FPV, is seen mostly in cats.
Symptoms of parvo virus The signs of parvo virus can vary, depending on the strain and the general health of the pet. Common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, and dehydration. If left untreated, it can be fatal.
How is parvo transmitted? Parvo virus is highly contagious and can be spread through direct contact with infected feces. It is spread easily among unvaccinated animals, but can also be spread indirectly through contaminated clothing, bedding, and food and water dishes.
Treatment options for parvo virus Unfortunately, once infected, there is no cure for parvo virus. Treatment typically involves supportive care and the administering of antibiotics, in order to help the animal recover. To prevent parvo virus, make sure your pet is up to date on their vaccinations and keep them away from unvaccinated animals.
Disease #3: Kennel Cough/Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB)
Kennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a common respiratory illness, which affects both dogs and cats.
What is kennel cough/infectious tracheobronchitis (ITB)? Kennel cough is the common name for the disease known as infectious tracheobronchitis, or ITB. The disease is highly contagious and is caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses, including parainfluenza, bordetella, and mycoplasma.
Symptoms of kennel cough/ITB Signs of kennel cough can be mild or severe, depending on the underlying cause. Common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose. If left untreated, the infection can progress and lead to more severe symptoms, such as pneumonia, fever, and an increased respiratory rate.
How is kennel cough/ITB transmitted? Kennel cough is highly contagious and can be spread through direct contact with an infected animal, or indirectly through contaminated bedding, food and water dishes, or even air particles.
Treatment options for kennel cough/ITB Fortunately, kennel cough is treatable. Treatment typically includes antibiotics, plenty of rest, and fluids. In some cases, supportive care – including nebulization – may be necessary.
Disease #4: Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is an infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is spread through the bite of an infected tick.
What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is spread by the bite of an infected tick. The disease primarily affects the joints, heart, and nervous system.
Symptoms of Lyme disease Common symptoms of Lyme disease include lameness, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and joint pain. In some cases, the disease may cause inflammation of the heart or neurological deficits.
How is Lyme disease transmitted? Lyme disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. It is important to note that some species of ticks cannot transmit the disease.
Treatment options for Lyme disease Lyme disease is typically treated with antibiotics. However, the disease can be hard to diagnose, as the symptoms are often similar to other conditions. If your pet develops any of the symptoms of Lyme disease, it is important to speak with a vet as soon as possible.
Disease #5: Heartworm
Heartworm is a potentially fatal disease that affects both dogs and cats.
What is heartworm? Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal disease that is caused by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis. The worm, which is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, can cause severe damage to the heart, lungs, and other organs.
Symptoms of heartworm Unfortunately, heartworm often shows few signs of infection until the disease is well-advanced. Common symptoms can include coughing, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, seizures and heart failure may occur.
How is heartworm transmitted? Heartworm is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquito ingests the larvae of the heartworm from an infected animal and then passes it on to a new host through its bite.
Treatment options for heartworm Unlike some other parasitic infections, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for heartworm. Treatment typically involves the administering of antibiotics and supportive care, as well as the removal of the parasitic worms. To prevent heartworm, make sure your pet is up to date on their heartworm preventatives.
It’s important to remember that many of the diseases that can affect our furry friends are preventable through proper vaccination and preventative care. By understanding the signs and symptoms of these common illnesses, you can be better prepared to protect your pet and catch any signs of infection before they become too serious.
The best way to protect not just your own pet, but also the animal population as a whole, is to ensure that your pet is kept up-to-date with all of their vaccinations and preventative care. If you think your pet may have any of these above illnesses, contact a veterinarian immediately.