The Allure of the Chinese Crested: Beauty, Personality, and Surprising Facts

July 24th at 3:41pm TheDogMag

The Allure of the Chinese Crested: Beauty, Personality, and Surprising Facts


When you think of unique and captivating dog breeds, the Chinese Crested often comes to mind. This one-of-a-kind breed has captured the hearts of dog enthusiasts worldwide with its distinct appearance, loving personality, and surprising facts. Let's dive into the fascinating world of Chinese Cresteds and discover why they make such special companions.

1. Background Information

The Chinese Crested, originating from China's ancient times, boasts a rich history that dates back several centuries. These dogs were beloved by Chinese emperors and often kept as treasured pets. Fascinatingly, they served not only as lapdogs but also as practical "hot water bottle dogs," providing warmth during cold nights. Today, the Chinese Crested's popularity is widespread, appreciated for its unique physical features and enchanting personality.

2. Types of Chinese Crested Dogs

The Chinese Crested breed comes in two distinct varieties: the Hairless and the Powderpuff. Their appearances couldn't be more different. The Hairless variety, as the name suggests, lacks hair on most of its body, except for its head, tail, and feet. On the other hand, the Powderpuff variety boasts a luxurious, long, and silky double coat. The contrasting appearances of these varieties offer potential owners a choice between unique elegance and soft fluffiness.

3. The Beauty of Hairless Chinese Crested Dogs

Hairless Chinese Cresteds captivate onlookers with their alluring and unconventional features. Their bare skin, often resembling soft velvet or suede, requires dedicated grooming to maintain its healthy condition. Contrary to popular belief, they are not entirely hypoallergenic, as allergies can still be triggered by their dander and saliva. However, they are generally less likely to provoke severe allergies in some sensitive individuals, making them a suitable option for those with mild allergies.

4. Powderpuff Chinese Crested Dogs: Gentle Fluffiness

If you fancy a Chinese Crested with an elegant and fluffy coat, the Powderpuff variety is your perfect match. With their voluminous fur, they are exceptionally charming and resemble little clouds. Maintaining their coat involves regular brushing and occasional trimming to prevent tangles. Alongside their physical beauty, Powderpuff Chinese Cresteds possess a delightful temperament comparable to that of the Hairless variety, ensuring a loving and loyal companion in both options.

5. Personality Traits & Temperament

Chinese Cresteds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature, making them a popular choice for families and individuals alike. These dogs thrive on human companionship and are particularly devoted to their owners. They possess an innate ability to sense and understand their owner's emotions, often offering comfort during challenging times. Due to their friendly disposition, they usually get along well with children and other pets, making them an excellent addition to any household.

6. Exercise Needs & Mental Stimulation

While Chinese Cresteds are not considered high-energy dogs, they still require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Daily walks, interactive play sessions, and mental stimulation activities are vital to their overall well-being. Adequate exercise also helps prevent weight gain, as this breed can be prone to obesity if not given sufficient physical activity. Engaging their curious and intelligent minds is equally important, as it prevents boredom and provides outlets for their natural intelligence.

7. Health Concerns Unique to the Breed

Like all breeds, Chinese Cresteds are susceptible to certain health issues. Dental care is of utmost importance for them, as they can be prone to dental diseases and early tooth loss. Additionally, their skin is more sensitive compared to other breeds, requiring diligent protection from harsh weather conditions and allergies. Regular eye examinations are recommended to monitor for any hereditary eye conditions that may develop. However, with proper preventive care, Chinese Cresteds often lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

8. Training Tips & Challenges

Chinese Cresteds are intelligent dogs that respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. Their independent nature may present some challenges, but with consistency, patience, and reward-based training techniques, you can shape them into well-behaved companions. Early socialization is crucial to ensure they grow up to be confident and well-adjusted dogs. When equipped with the right training tools and techniques, these dogs can reach their full potential and amaze you with their intelligence and willingness to please.

9. Chinese Cresteds: Perfect Pets for Families and Individuals

Chinese Cresteds possess a versatile nature, adapting well to various living situations. Whether you have a lively family with children or are a single individual seeking companionship, Chinese Cresteds can effortlessly blend into different households. Their size, loving temperament, and adaptability make them ideal pets for families with older children, seniors seeking a loyal companion, or individuals looking for a devoted and charming friend.

10. Unveiling Surprising Facts & Pop Culture Appearances

Beyond their physical allure and loving nature, Chinese Cresteds also have a world of surprising facts to uncover. Did you know that one Chinese Crested named Sam carried the title of the "Ugliest Dog" for three consecutive years? They have also made appearances in various television shows, movies, and even music videos, capturing the attention and admiration of audiences worldwide. These extraordinary dogs have certainly made their mark on both popular culture and the hearts of their owners.

11. Chinese Crested Community & Resources

With a supportive Chinese Crested community, owners and enthusiasts have various resources to turn to for information, advice, and companionship. There are Chinese Crested clubs and organizations that offer valuable insights into the breed, as well as online communities and forums where individuals can connect, share stories, and seek guidance. Additionally, numerous books, websites, and blogs are dedicated to providing comprehensive information and useful tips for those interested in the breed.

12. Adoption & Finding Reputable Breeders

When considering adding a Chinese Crested to your family, adoption is a wonderful option. Shelters and rescue organizations often have these unique dogs looking for loving homes. If you decide to go for a puppy, it is crucial to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Research and visit breeders, ensuring they follow ethical breeding practices and provide adequate care for their Chinese Cresteds. By making informed choices, you can bring home a healthy and happy companion.


In conclusion, the Chinese Crested breed encompasses a myriad of captivating qualities that make them cherished companions. From their distinct appearances to their loving personalities, Chinese Cresteds truly offer a special bond that can brighten anyone's life. Whether you choose the elegant Hairless or the fluffy Powderpuff variety, these remarkable dogs will bring joy, loyal companionship, and endless surprises to your everyday life. Consider welcoming a Chinese Crested into your home and forever cherishing the unique connection you'll share.